Friday, November 27, 2009

Cinta II

Di saat orang-orang Islam hampir tertewas di Uhud, seorang dari pihak musuh telah menyiarkan khabar angin mengatakan bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w telah terbunuh. Kita dapat bayangkan betapa sedih dan dukacitanya para sahabat setelah mendengar akan berita yang menyedihkan itu. Ini menyebabkan ramai di antara mereka yang berasa kecewa dan putus asa. Anas bin Nadhar r.a secara kebetulan telah melihat Umar bin Talhah bersama sekumpulan orang Islam di dalam keadaan kebingungan yang amat sangat. Beliau lantas berkata kepada mereka.

"Mengapakah saya perhatikan kamu sekelian begitu bingung sekali?"
Mereka berkata:
"Rasulullah s.a.w telah terbunuh"
Anas berkata kembali:
"Oleh itu siapakah yang ingin hidup lagi selepas baginda? Marilah kita maju kehadapan bersama pedang-pedang kita dan menyertai Nabi s.a.w yang kita muliai."
Selepas sahaja dia mengeluarkan kata-kata yang demikian, dia meluru ke barisan musuh dan berjuang sehingga beliau terkorban.
Sesungguhnya Anas r.a mempunyai kasih sayang yang begitu mendalam terhadap Nabi s.a.w sehinggakan beliau tidak lagi menganggap kehidupan ini beharga tanpa baginda.

Kisah Para Sahabat (Syaikhul Hadith Hadrat Maulana Muhammad Zakariya rahmatullahi'alaih)

Thursday, November 26, 2009


"Abang, cuba definisikan 'love' dalam satu perkataan" Harith. Aku sedang memandu. Dia duduk di sebelah.

"Cinta adalah pengorbanan" Aku.

"Pengorbanan?" Mungkin dia hairan.

"Cinta hamba kepada tuhannya. Cinta ummat kepada rasulnya. Cinta anak kepada ibu bapanya mahupun cinta ibu bapa kepada anaknya. Cinta suami kepada isterinya juga cinta isteri kepada suaminya. Semua."

"Semua itu menuntut pengorbanan. Kerana cinta itu milik Allah maka untuk mendapatkan atau membuktikan cinta, kita perlulah berkorban . Hanya Dia yang Maha Menyintai tidak perlu berkorban apa-apa, kerana Dia adalah pemilik cinta." Aku.Sambil terus menekuni jalan, setiap simpang dan lampu isyarat.

"Bagi Harith, love is undefined. You can ask any single person out there, the answer will be different from one another." Dia membalas, setelah diam.

"It could be true to certain extend. As mere human, we tend to confuse on lots of things and as often just make things complicated. That's why He gave us Al-Quran and Prophet s.a.w to guide us. So that we can learn and stay on the right path." Aku.

"The way I see love, you have got to sacrifice. Or you will sacrifice when you are in love"

"Love is sacrifice" Aku menutup jawapan. Aku ingin katakan kepada dia, secara tidak langsung - dalam apa pun perkara kembalilah kepada Allah dan Rasul. Kerana di sana ada cinta yang sejati. Allahu'alam.

Meminjam kata Diq, 'selamat hari raya cinta'!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Life's grand festival

The caravan began to travel day and night. The hooded Bedouins reappeared more and more frequently, and the camel driver- who had become a good friend of the boy's- explained that the war between the tribes had already begun. The caravan would be very lucky to reach the oasis.

The animals were exhausted, and the men talked among themselves less and less. The silence was the worst aspect of the night, when the mere groan of a camel- which before had been nothing but the groan of a camel- now frightened everyone, because it might signal a raid.

The camel driver, though, seemed not to be very concerned with the threat of war.

"I'm alive," he said to the boy, as they ate a bunch of dates one night, with no fires and no moon. "When I'm eating, that's all I think about. If I'm on the march, I just concentrate on marching. If I have to fight, it will be just as good a day to die as any other.

"Because I don't live in either my past or my future. I'm interested only in the present. If you can concentrate always on the present, you'll be a happy man. You'll see that there is life in the desert, that there are stars in the heavens, and that tribesmen fight because they are part of the human race. Life will be a party for you, a grand festival, because life is the moment we're living right now."

Two nights later, as he was getting ready to bed down, the boy looked for the star they followed every night. He thought that the horizon was a bit lower than it had been, because he seemed to see stars on the desert itself.

"It's the oasis," said the camel driver.
"Well, why don't we go there right now?" the boy asked.
"Because we have to sleep."

The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho)